Published Dec 29, 2014

"I made it a block and a half from the station and the car started sputtering and my car just stalled," said Ross.

After her PT Cruiser was towed to a local mechanic, the mystery of the malfunction was quickly revealed and the evidence preserved.

"We pretty much see a combination, fuel and water, where the fuel is on top and the water has settled at the bottom," said mechanic Sean Cole as he pointed at a five-gallon jug drained from PT Cruiser tank.

"Water, water," said Ross. "I was stunned because you hear about it, but you never think it would happen to you." 

Ross' engine had been trashed by H2O from the Shell station's supply. She quickly returned looking for accountability.

Read more:

Bad fuel causes expensive engine downtime and repairs! Use Fleet's diesel fuel tests to do on-the-spot testing of your  
diesel fuel.